Ahh! The last 9 months of the incubation of Jelaine and Co. have been a unique experience. I compare it to the birth of our 2 daughters. The stages from inception to delivery required laser focus and many sacrifices. When God gives life to something, it is our duty to protect and honor the gift that comes from the Lord. Since you’re now part of the family, we’ve decided to share our pregnancy journey with you! We promise to leave out any squeamish imagery.
Conception & Implantation:
As we gave it all to the lord and decided to fully commit to the Kingdom, our vision became much clearer and we began to understand our purpose. Like many aspects of the Bible, the Lord continued to extend territory to his people. Knowing this concept, Faith and I started strategically planning to create Jelaine and Co. We realized that there’s a need to get his people back to their original state and utilize the resources he naturally gave us to be prosperous. ‘And just like that, the seed was implanted into the uterine wall!
First Trimester, weeks 1-12:
As the seed began to evolve, we experienced a lot of morning sickness! We started by trying to figure out what were having before it was our time. As we dug deep into the entrepreneurial journey; week by week, the features of the baby got clearer, and our vision got more precise. We realized that to keep the morning sickness at bay, it was vital that we keep Christ first! We applied the principles of prayer and allowed the Holy Spirit to lead and direct us as scripture supports this concept; the comforter will lead us to all truths. We were now ready for our gender reveal!

We realized that to keep the morning sickness at bay, it was vital that we keep Christ first!
Second Trimester, weeks 13-27:
Yaaaay it’s a……Proactive Real Estate Company! We had finally found out the gender of our baby. From here, it was paramount that we define our roles and responsibilities by strengths and eliminated worldly perspectives. After all, we had to figure out who would be stronger at changing diapers versus making bottles…right? Jelaine is a company that the Lord has tasked us to share with his people and we wanted to make sure we did things right! We would assist his people with closing the knowledge gap as it related to real estate investing. By this time, our feet were swollen, and our backs were hurting. Bring on the excitement of the 3rd trimester!
Third Trimester, weeks 28-40:
As we geared up for the last and final weeks of our pregnancy, we were determined to remain grounded in one of our core values of “Working unto the Lord.” In order to remain in focus, we had to align ourselves spiritually to attract the excellent fruit needed to deliver this baby. We are firm believers that good fruit only produces good fruit and if we changed who we are, we’d risk attracting bad seeds that can delay our destiny. There was no turning back for us, the baby was almost here!

In order to remain in focus, we had to align ourselves spiritually to attract the excellent fruit needed to deliver this baby.
Fourth trimester, post-birth:
Our baby is finally here! There were some minor complications with the birth, but the Lord had successfully delivered his newborn.
Jelaine and Co’s mission on this earth is “To liberate individuals and organizations when it comes to generating generational wealth through Real Estate”. Our promise to you is a simplified pre- and post-purchase process, supporting your strategy while educating you and, of course, delivering that exceptional guest service! Jelaine is our ministry with a promise to make you prosperous as the Lord has intended.
We look forward to serving you. Speak to you soon and stay blessed!